Here are some more adventures from Aiden's time at home during the COVID-19 quarantine. We are going a little stir crazy, but it's going to be ok! I heard a term the other day and I think I'm going to stick with it. Physical distancing. I don't want to distance ourselves socially - only physically. So please, reach out and call or Facetime us. We miss everybody.
Day 26 - Playing catch up!
Enjoy some pictures and videos from the days I missed posting on :) Plus, check out the video of Aiden's new fancy fine motor skills he showed us today! Putting tooth picks in a tiny empty spice shaker. ANNNDDD he turns it to dump them out. Big time.
Day 25 - He is Risen! He is Risen Indeed!!
Aiden's second Easter. We officially are not celebrating firsts anymore!! Yesterday we dyed eggs and today he got his basket before church. He loved his candy, not so much the bunny ears or sunglasses :) Aiden was all about playing until the music from our online church service started, kid loves to dance!
Day 23 - Sorry missed posting a day!
We had some fun making a musical instrument out of a tissue box and rubber bands. Then we put some feathers in it and that was equally as exciting. We have also spent some time trying out our new art supplies! Aiden was not into watercolor pages yet, but did enjoy getting messy with the other paints. I promise I'll get back to real camera pictures soon, just a little burnt out from all my front steps sessions! :) So phone pictures it is for a bit.
We made it 21 days so we inflated his outdoor kiddy pool and had a dry pool party. He was not super sure about it at first (see his "unsure" face for evidence), but ended up warming up. It was probably good to get him used to it before adding in the other factors like water and being in a swim suit for the first time. Problem is, it is now just sitting in here...with nowhere to go. I have a feeling the cat and dog will have a pool party in it later.
Day 20 - The two toddler wonders of the world...magnets and tape!
I'm pretty sure Drew's sister, Ashley, got these letters for us as a wedding present...super subtle hint. Well, they are finally getting some good use! This cutie loved throwing them at the pan to make them stick, throw them off of the fridge, and shake them like an instrument. We will work on functional play skills another day ;) He also had fun just pulling tape off the floor. It kept him occupied for a solid 5 minutes by just leaving one little corner up for him to peel and pick at. Five minutes = like 2 email responses so I'll take it!
Day 19 - Art Day
Good news! My essential oil 'Thieves' cleaner takes crayon and marker off of windows and floors! This is the first time he actually colored intentionally and not just threw the crayon. So that was fun to see! But, by the end all he wanted to do was eat it. Ya win some ya lose some.
Day 18 - Balance Bike
Aiden got a Velo balance bike for his birthday so yesterday and today he had fun trying that out! It is still a touch big for him, but he is not far off from being constantly on the go. Thanks to my awesome coworkers for this perfect birthday gift!
Day 17 - Cheerios
An easy little fine motor task! You could do this with a pipe cleaner, Qtip, or even a string if you don't have a skewer. And if you use a skewer remember to cut off the sharp end :)
Day 16 - Recovering from Shots!
Kiddo was a little fussy because of his shots yesterday, so we took it easy today. Sensory exploration was just not in the cards. He did get some good walking in and showed us some new fine motor skills! It's so fun to see him catch on to things and then be proud of himself :)
Day 13 - Outside time with some new toys!
Tomorrow is Aiden's first birthday and I can't believe it! He got a few early presents from some wonderful friends, so we let him go for it since it was so nice out. He got to try bubbles for the first time, use his hand-me-down basketball hoop, and play with his awesome new dump truck. He was so so happy just to be outside and move around.
Day 12 - Sometimes you just need to hear a baby's laugh
A little highlight reel from our afternoon/evening :) No big activity this evening as I had a Front Steps Project session but we had a dance party, played outside, cleaned out the garage, and got to see how the grill works for the first time! Lots of fun. And sometimes a photo just doesn't cut it. I needed some baby laughs, so I thought I would share!
Day 11 - Helllllloooo Jello
You would never know this kid had a ROUGH day based on these pictures. But wowza. Something was off. Just not feeling himself. At least the jello could bring a smile to his face (and mine) for a little bit!! :)
Emily, Drew, & Aiden